Inland provides safe, effective fire and water damage restoration services for your home or business.
We work directly with your insurance company to speed up the insurance claim process, and ensure that you get the best coverage according to your policy. Our full-service approach ensures a smooth recovery process by managing every aspect of the fire restoration process.
Fire can be a devastating event for your home or business. Inland is specialized in treating fire damage in Chicago and the surrounding areas. We understand the urgency required to contain the damage and assess the restoration measures that are needed. Our 24/7 emergency experts provide an immediate response to fire damage, giving you peace of mind during a stressful time.
Water damage can bring devastating damages that can have irreversible consequences if left untreated. The most common causes of water damage include fire, weather, burst pipes, basement floods, washing machine overflow, and toilet overflow. If the water is not quickly extracted, damage can be extensive and expensive to repair. Our experienced team provides immediate assistance to minimize the destruction and residual issues that water damage can cause.
When you’re forced to vacate your property for an extended period of time due to damages, it is essential that you prevent further destruction and expenses. Boarding up your vacant property protects you from liability, theft, and vandalism. We provide 24/7 emergency board-up services for residential, commercial, and industrial properties. Our experienced team safely and quickly protects the structure of your building from a variety of potential damages.
Contact us today to receive an on-site inspection and consultation. Our experts are available 24/7 to assist with emergency fire and water damage.
Reach out to Inland today for expert construction services!